Binky Patrol - Sew, knit or crochet blankets for children in need around the world.
Care Wear - Sew, knit or crochet handmade baby items to hospitals to give to infants, children and their parents.Cubs for Kids - Knit or crochet sweaters, hats or scarves for teddy bears that are donated to homeless children.
Mother Bear Project - Knit or crochet teddy bears for children affected by HIV/AIDS around the world.
The Red Scarf Project - Knit or crochet red scarves for Valentine's day care packages for foster children attending college & vocational schools.
Snuggles Project - Sew, knit or crochet blankets for animal shelter animals.
Teddies for Tragedies - Knit or crochet teddies for children in locations where catasphores have occurred.
Warm up America - Knit or crochet afghans to be donated to various charities that give them to the homeless and needy persons.